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Use of Social Media Services in Queens Businesses

Use of Social Media Services in Queens Businesses

Whether we approve or not, the social media has become the part of our lives. Four out of five Americans have one or more accounts on different social networks. Being smart on the fact that there are 2.4 billion social media users worldwide, the businesses give a lot of attention to their presence on social networks.

Most of them hire the professionals that offer social media services knowing that building company’s image is a delicate job. Posting, dealing with the reviews and users’ engagement, if not done well can harm the business. On the other hand, regular posting of the relevant material, replying to the people’s comments, reviews and messages can help your business become recognizable and eventually grow.



Queens is the largest borough out of five in New York. It is the area with the biggest linguistic diversity in the World. According to some statistics, there are almost 800 different languages spoken in Queens. Many of the businesses are turned towards specific ethnical communities while others offer their products and services to the wider audience.

As Facebook was improving throughout the years, today it is possible to post in most of the world languages. If your business addresses to the special linguistic group, it is smart to look up for the agency that will provide you with proper social media services in the desired language. Still, most social media marketing companies in New York offer their posting and sharing services in the English language. 

Right after Manhattan, the Queens has the second largest economy in New York. There are over 40.000 business establishments out of which few of them are large enterprises. Glaceau - the producers of Vitamin Water, Bulova - the watchmakers, Steinway&Sons – piano manufacturers and Jet Airlines - airline company, are four of the most famous large corporations based in Queens.

The companies as mentioned above use social media services to reinforce their customer service. They inform their audience about new products and services, reply to people’s questions or announce special sales or promotion. Social platforms help businesses commute with current and potential customers.

Following “the success recipe” of large corporations, the small businesses in Queens use social media services as a part of their marketing strategy.


By increasing the followers base, a company is building a social proof. That means that every random potential customer is more likely to trust the business with more followers. It is because the large following in the mind of consumer creates the sense of confidence towards the individual business.

Second, posting regularly also creates the feeling of trust among the audience since it shows professionality and reliability of the firm. The published content should be related to the business and offer value. We should not forget that people are on social platforms mainly to socialize and not to buy. Therefore, the agencies that provide social media services know the golden rule “80% of the value and 20% of promotional material”.

Third, engaging with the customers' comments and reviews is an important part of social media strategy. Some of the customers might complain about your service or product. Don’t be intimidated by that. The agencies that offer excellent social media services know that it is the chance to turn the unpleasant moment into your benefit. Since all the reviews and comments are public, that means that all the people have their eyeballs in your response and how you deal with the complaint. If the situation requires the more analytical approach to the customer service, the marketer will smoothly transfer the issue to the company’s department that deals with the particular segment. Nevertheless, despite the mistakes that might happen at work, a good marketer should maintain the best image of the company. On the other hand, the positive comments from the audience should be given attention to, as well. If the people make a little of their precious time to write a few nice words about your business, your marketer should make from his time to reply. All of us, as human beings love to be recognized for our efforts.

Fourth, businesses could use the social media platforms for educational purposes. For example, while launching a new product or service, the best way to educate the audience is uploading some “how to” video or self-explanatory infographic. I assure you that people love to learn this way about new products and services. Many of the agencies have video making among their social media services.

Last, but not least use of social media marketing is for promotional purposes. If there is any special seasonal discount or promotion running, the best way to announce it is through social media platforms. The marketer can create for you an interesting visual post with a discount code or video that announces your promotion followed by a call to action.


You probably know by now the importance of Google reviews. Whatever business you want to do the research on, you will probably turn to Google to see what are other people’s experience related to particular business. Due to the number of users, the Facebook functions like search engine itself. There you can get information on specific business as well and check out and compare Facebook to Google reviews. The marketer should encourage your present and potential customers to write a review for your business. Some people “bribe” their clients in return for a review, but I think this is a terrible idea because eventually you will get punished by Google or Facebook by taking of your page/listing.

Local businesses should encourage the people to check-in while visiting. Check-ins also increase your ratings and social proof. The restaurants and nightclubs all over the Queens know the importance of encouraging people to check in. If you are a local business owner, you might consider having a router that supports Facebook Wi-Fi. The router enables the user to sign in with a Facebook option. Some of the best routers on the market to consider are Cisco, Meraki, Netgear, and D-Link.

There are quite a lot online firms in the area of Queens, NY and the social media marketing strategy for online businesses overlap with the ones for local businesses except for the part of check-ins. For online businesses, it doesn’t make a lot of sense since there are no walk-in customers.


There are many marketing agencies out there offering a variety of social media services. Invest in your time to make a real research on their expertise and decide whom you will trust to market your business. Social Media Spot Inc is social media marketing agency from Astoria, Queens. Knowing the vibe of Queens’ businesses, they offer a significant range of social media services such as social media management, Twitter outreach, content creation, reputation management, blog copywriting service and e-mail marketing. If you decide to perform a social media marketing by yourself, there is an option for online social media training as well. For more details visit the services section on our website.

Now that you know how social media marketing can help your business, you may take your time and think about what exactly goals you want to achieve. Don't worry you are not late for the game. The future is on the internet, and good social media strategy will help you reserve your spot.

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